最近大火的电影《中国合伙人》被大家津津乐道,除了剧情本身的励志和演员出色的表现,影片结尾处黄晓明那段流利又颇有深度的英文更是让人留下了深刻的影响。想当年陈冠希的道歉吴彦祖的访谈,都被各种雅思口语研究者扒了个底朝天,但是人家毕竟是以英语为母语的美国人,这些生动的口语典范虽然极其出彩,却带着十足的距离感。相比之下,咱们黄教主这次惊人的爆发不仅感人肺腑铿锵有力,充满了浓郁的chinglish风情,而且也基本了符合雅思口语的高分标准!说话有长度,整体流利连贯,用词准确漂亮,句式丰富多变,逻辑清晰有层次,内容充实具体,广度深度皆有!但是我说了基本符合,差在哪儿想必大家心照不宣,回顾下雅思口语的四大评分标准:流利度和连贯度,词汇量,语法掌握范围和使用准确度,发音前三项毫无疑问他做的很好,最后一个发音问题,毕竟嘛,黄晓明最初是以闹太闹而风靡整个英语界,对于土生土长的中国人来说,发音标准本身就是一个相对较难达到的要求,当然我们很多同学语言天赋比他好了太多,说一样的话会比他好听得多,但是不得不说在黄晓明说出这段英文的时候,他蹩脚的发音非但没有引起大家的哄笑,反而让电影里的美国谈判方乃至整个影院的观众肃然起敬,因为他说话的内容实在是太好了,好到让人忽略了他的发音问题。并不是说发音不重要,而是说在我们有时候发音不够漂亮的情况下,我们更应该把注意力放在说话本身上,内容,逻辑,长度,词汇,句式,等等等等。而这些才是帮你获取高分的关键,发音不是一朝一夕甚至三五个月内可以练成,在语言环境较差的情况下,我们更应该重视口语的前三个的标准而不是一味地追求完美的发音。出于对这部电影的喜爱,我把电影最后黄晓明与美方代表Mr. Bonnet据理力争的英文部分还原出来,其中有以一些非常好的单词短语,在近期雅思VIP的课上我也会和同学分享这个例子,如果从电影中学好雅思口语。希望大家能很好的借鉴一下。(大约开始于电影的1小时40分处)It’s because I memorized entire text on the plane cominghere.It’s a skill that I mastered when I was 18. That year Imemorized the whole XINHUA English Dictionary. For your information, I was onlyconsidered as a mediocre among my peers. Chinesestudents are extremely adapted at taking exams. Youcan’t imagine what they are willing to go throughto succeed. You don’t understand Chinese culture. Before we came to the states, we debated it whether to list new dream on stock exchange. Now I have come to a decision. Newdream IPO will be officially announced today. Mr. Bonnet: why should I care...But you will care. I’ve been waiting for the rightopportunity for the company to go public. Now I’ve got it. That’s right. It’syou who gave us the opportunity. Thank you, Mr. Bonnet. You are the one who hasgot us the potential investors from Wall Street. They will see us as a companywith integrity and courage that takesresponsibility for our mistakes. The more we appeal in compensation, thegreater valuation we will get in the future. In addition, there will be atleast one more benefit from listing new dream. Someday, we will no longerteachers but the representatives of the largesteducational service corporation. You may finally show us the respect wedeserve. We won’t have to rely on the lawsuitsto communicate with each other. More importantly, I am also doing this forpersonal reasons. I have a friend, who is more brilliant than I willever be and more deserving our success. But when he came to America, I haverealized that the best man of my generation destroyed here. Mr. Bonnet, the playyou field here has never been even. This is myway of regaining my friend's dignity. Accordingto our Chinese proverb, I'm like of a"Tubie", a soft shell turtle, someone afraid to go out and take risks. Now, I am standing here, terrified. Evenas we speak, but as my friends ever said, some things are so important that enforce us to overcomeour fears.红色单词是一些非常好的词汇,大家注意一下它们的意思和用法!mediocre:普通的adapt:适应,擅长(做某事)go through:经历list…on…:这里指让公司上市stock exchange:证券交易所integrity and courage:正直和勇气representative:代表lawsuit:诉讼(非刑事案件)even:此处指公平,等于fair的意思dignity:尊严proverb:俗语,谚语,格言take risk:冒险enforce:强迫,迫使overcome:克服